Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I am home, I am home, ladi du di da I am home!!!! aaaa..............nd I'm sick
It's so weird man, I had snuffles almost all week last week but turns out my body was waiting till I get to the comfort of my own home before unleashing a mega annoying cold and sore throat. Hopefully it'll past in a few days cause my nose'll start chaffing (s'that how u spell it?) if I keep blowing it every 5 minutes.
Anyways, Oops brb.

--blow nose--

I noticed that, when I was waiting for my flight home, everyone was just so gloomy. You don't always have to have a smile on your face but it doesnt mean you should go around with a frown all the time. As I observed the folks around me, most of them were travelling alone, and we all know that you get more self conscious when ur alone, I usually cover it up by being preoccupied by whatevers around me, so it was obvious, these peeps put on a "what r u lookin at my cool-self for?!" to hide their self consciousness.

b back soon

Ok, Lost is over so I'm back. Where was I..........right the great thing is that when you notice other people being self conscious you feel so much more confident and for me personally, it makes me put on this smile on my face and think "u poor suckers" hehehe.......

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Homeward bound

Unfortunately I wont be until tuesday next week. I've been au-pairing for 3 days now and it's going adequatly smooth, well the "job" is goin great but u know me, there's no place like home. First night was awful, as it usually is when I go away, what with the travel exhaustion and the not sleeping in my own bed and not kissing mommy goodnight (yup, my cords r still attached), I felt miserable all around. Thank GOD for the telephone, it eased the "pain" a little, then I put on my music and read my Vanity Fair (glossy magazine, a must-indulge-when-travelling purchase) to eventually sleep a fairly uninterrupted slumber. Next day I was a little more of my perky self, especially cause I got to watch "Lost" (my wednesday TV show), it gave a little taste of my routine back home. I have to say the little boys are really sweet and they actually listen to me, every night so far I've managed to get them ready for bed and in it by 20.30, which according to the Dad is not easy to do. Mayb they'll b more difficult the more they know me, crossing-fingers. So now there's only what, 4 days, I'll b home in no time. Can't wait to get back and plan my mom's b'day. Me & my bro r a great team for that, it gets harder every year though cause we always want to outdo the last year. It's gonna b a good one, oooo can't wait.
I guess thats all, just remembered, Safin didn't go futher than the 3rd round in Indian Wells, I'm not suprised but sad. Should've been "present" during his match.
S'all folks!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Jack Johnson is awesome!!! he climbs up my favourites list everytime I hear his song, the new album is great, more like "Brushfire fairytales" than "On and on".
I haven't posted in a while now, no particular reason, doubt that the few people who check this blog miss me that much, hehe.... I haven't gone out much either, no reason to leave home, I probably seem anti-social but I only have one good friend left in this town. Never been good with the "half friends" relationship, how do people keep that up anyway, hanging out and trying to keep in touch with ppl who are more than acquaintences but hardly a friend. Making new friends used to be so easy before, but now it's just a hassle, everytime u meet someone new it doesnt take long for you to lose interest completely and I don't have the patience to find that "connection". I'm glad that I have my best friends, can't believe that once we didn't know each other and that we had to go through that getiing to know each other process, its like it been erased and we've always been friends, thats a great feeling.
Being a recluse really messes up ur knockers, start thinking to much about everything and time, well it's lost it's relevance. It's like I'm in a pod thats moving along in super speed. I could go out and do something but it's just too comfortable here. Anyways, I'm gonna try to be an au-pair next week, that would be good, it'll test my patience taking care of kids, 2 boys to be exact, 7 and 4 year old. I'm glad they're boys, I've never been fond of young girls, I remember when I was in school in Jakarta, kids would be waiting to get picked up from school and sometimes whoever picking them up was late, the girls would be the ones that cry and whine, while the boys would just sit there looking tired and sweating with their heavy little bags. It's easier to feel sorry for the boys than the whining girls.

There was gonna b a point to this post, we'll take this one: Loners are not stoners! (it rhymes so it's good enough)

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Real stuff

Couple of days ago mom asked me somethin bout Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, I said I don't really follow celebrity gossip anymore and then I realise, I really don't anymore. I used to be soo into movie stars, awards shows, the magazines, everything, really glad that it's worn off now. Over the last few years the "obsession" has shifted to music and, as u all know, tennis. Real people, unlike the actors, who you only know from their characters in the movies and the occasional talk show appereances or the unreliable gossips. With musicians and tennis players (I'd say athletes but I only watch tennis so...) feels like what you see/hear is what they are, at least for me. Like when theres character in a TV series that I really like, it sooo annoying that they're not real. That's why tennis is my favourite "TV show" cause I can follow it live. Mayb thats why I like reality shows, hehe, although you never know how real they actually are. And musicians/songwriters, they seem so honest that you feel like you know them. Whatever.......

Can't believe it's march already, time is such a weird concept and I wished I had the Tennis channel.