Sunday, January 30, 2005

Go Marat!!!!

YEAY!!!!! really don't know how to say it, he won the AO, finally after twice losing in the final. He really beat Hewitt too, it wasn't that close of a match, no tiebreakers and no need for a fifth set. This last 2 weeks has been the best I've ever seen him play tennis.
I'm so happy for him, feel a little silly that I'm sooo gitty, but whatev! Too bad my blog's template colors don't really match with his clothes. It kinda annoys me, but I'm still gonna keep his pic up there. Cutie.
Also I just read an interview where he explains his necklaces, and one is from LOTR, hehe.... isn't that cute?!
Now I'm off to celebrate with my buddies, c ya l8r!

"Picture perfect"

This is just one of the many beautiful songs out there, but the first one that I'm gonna post. Check it out:
Obs! the file will only be available for 7 days from now.

Picture perfect

Darkness finds I listen
To every little thing she has to say
And when I'm all but found its
Darkness that will lead my way

And all she ever asks me to do is
Stay awake to see a picture perfect
Moon she'll give me
She ties a ribbon to and with the stars
She lets me know she's playin with the sun
He always makes it hard for her to see me

One day me and darkness will run away and sun will see
He should have let me take her in the first place and

Stay awake to see the picture perfect moon she"ll give me
She ties a ribbon to and with the stars
She lets me know she's mine

All I ever wanted was for me and the moon to shine
And make the darkness
Stay awake to see a picture perfect moon she'll give me
She ties a ribbon to and with the stars
She lets me know that she
Stays awake to see a picture perfect moon she'll give me
She ties a ribbon to and with the stars
She lets me know she's mine

Friday, January 28, 2005


Did you see that?!!! It was the best tennis match I've ever seen so far. Safin beat world no.1 Federer and went on to the AO finals, all on his 25th birthday. Yeay!!! I'm soooo happy for him.
The match was so close and intense, it didn't feel like it took 4.30 hours to finish. Man, it was like watching a thriller. Really glad that my intuition was right, hehehe, I never lost faith that Safin would win and he did.
In your face!!!! hehe, j-k.
Sunday will be his third AO final, really hope he wins the tournament, he should have a good chance against Roddick/Hewitt.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Stage fright --- immaterial.

If someone asked me a year ago to sing on stage for an audience, I would've said No! Absolutely not!! Never ever!
I can't even do a presentation in front of class without freezing up, let alone perform. Low and behold (hehe, corny phrase) tonight was my third and biggest/largest, whatever, perfomance so far. It was a charity night for the tsunami survivors, a pretty successfull evening, around 360 people were there to see all kinds of perfomances, including me :)
At first I was nervous but then we had soundchecks and it kinda loosen things up a bit, then I did my stuff and it was good but I wasn't 100% satisfied. Then I met my dear friends and my mom that were in the audience and it felt great to have that kind of support, it's weird that the people you want to impress the most are those that are easiest to impress because they love you already just the way you are (hopefully). In addition to that I have never gotten so many responses from people/strangers, no wonder performers love to perform, I mean you can never get tired of praise.
I'm so lucky that I had the opportunity to do this, step out of my shell and just go for it, take a chance for once. It has build up my confidence in everyday life and I'm soo gratefull for it. I finally found this one thing that I know I'm good at, even though I've sung all my life it never crossed my mind that I could actually be good enough for other people to hear.
All I can say is Thank you, to whoever it is up there, Thank you.

PS: immaterial was a word excessively (more than three times) used by Brown in The Da Vinci code, it bugs me when they repeat a word to often and in close proximity to each other.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

-systems overload-systems overload-systems overload-

There's so many new music these days, for me anyways. It used to be simple before, you hear a song/band you like, buy the album and then listen to it till it burns out and move on to the next thing.
Nowadays you hear something new before there's a chance to get sick of what you're listening at the time, and you can't just ignore good music, so you move on to fast and then come back again, it's chaos man.
Anyways that was just rambling for me to spread new stuff that I heard lately:

Julie Delpy, (you know the french actress?) unfortunatetly she doesn't have a website but if you watch "Before Sunset" most of the songs are hers and she's just so cool, so check her out when possible.

Nellie Mckay
This artist I saw on Conan a couple of nights ago, and she has a sort of jazzy music with really fun lyrics. The song that I heard was "It's a pose" and the lyrics were kinda anti-men.

All for now, later!

Friday, January 14, 2005

What d'u mean I haven't been around? I've been here all along.

Let's just pretend that I haven't forgotten to post since christmas and move along shall we.......

The new years really make you think about the past a lot, which is not a bad thing but sometimes not too good either. At first I thought I didn't do much in 2004 but then I realised it was actually a very good year, there was a little travelling, rekindled friendships, new friedships, self discovery, new hobbies. Speaking of my new interests, tennis season has started again, Yeay!!!!!! so excited for the Aussie open next week. Safin, Safin, Safin, Safin

Anyways about looking back at the past I remembered all the interesting people that I've met and known and really if you think about it we've all met our share of compulsive liars, thieves, pervs, bullies, bitches, the list (which eventually includes nice people) goes on and on. And then you wonder how we fit in others lives around us, quite possibly we are one of those interesting characters in their lives, hopefully one of the good ones, hehe....

I gots to go although there's a lot more to write but obligations must be obliged so.....

*I've changed the words of the day to Rude remark of the day, hehe, for now cause it's more entertaining.