Sunday, January 16, 2005

-systems overload-systems overload-systems overload-

There's so many new music these days, for me anyways. It used to be simple before, you hear a song/band you like, buy the album and then listen to it till it burns out and move on to the next thing.
Nowadays you hear something new before there's a chance to get sick of what you're listening at the time, and you can't just ignore good music, so you move on to fast and then come back again, it's chaos man.
Anyways that was just rambling for me to spread new stuff that I heard lately:

Julie Delpy, (you know the french actress?) unfortunatetly she doesn't have a website but if you watch "Before Sunset" most of the songs are hers and she's just so cool, so check her out when possible.

Nellie Mckay
This artist I saw on Conan a couple of nights ago, and she has a sort of jazzy music with really fun lyrics. The song that I heard was "It's a pose" and the lyrics were kinda anti-men.

All for now, later!

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