Monday, December 8, 2008

wanna feel like a failure?

Second post in just how many days, I amaze myself.
Having trolled around google images for awhile, looking for any photo of my old school, I started finding photos of old classmates instead. You know how one thought leads to another etc etc like Peirce (not a typo, seriously that's how you spell his name) the indexicality guy says, well I was reminded by this joke that Daniel Tosh used to do about the show Cribs on MTV and how it should actually be called "Wanna feel like a failure?!" so that's kinda what I think about all those web-communities out there. I mean obviously what we see isn't a fair realistic presentation of another persons life but as we all show our best side to the camera, so to speak, it's easy to forget that the grass isn't greener on the other side just greener where we can see it.
So, wanna feel like a failure? get a facebook account and see how successful your friends from high school turned out ;)


Anonymous said...

I'll never get facebook now! haha...

Förresten, loving the playlist! Especially Clarion! (Den är fortfarande den låt som jag lyssnat på mest på iTunes!)

Nicole Cassandra said...

i know, I'm like so out of touch with the blogging world, didn't know the hip kids were putting playlists on theirs, hehe... Too bad u can't listen to whole song though unless it's featured.