Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Lynch day afternoon

Felt like I was in "Mullholland" today. Nothing was out of the ordinary but something was different. Like when you have a fever and you're not quite there, except I was wide awake, consious, and totally aware. Maybe that was the problem, that I was too aware (if it makes sense at all). Now I'm home writing and, being the night owl that I am ;), feels like the day has just begun and I can get things done.
First off, I didn't now only registered folk can comment on the posts, that sucks! What if we're missing out on a lot of feedback just because people don't feel like registering?!
Secondly, did y'all see the new feature? Words of the day? Down right there under the archives. At first I was gonna posts recipes but I'd have to write too much, hehe...... So words it was, I'm calling it that cause it would include poems, quotes, or just a simple line, etc. I'd update it everyday of course, until I get tired and it'll be "Words of the week" and so on...
Btw, as some might notice, or not, I deleted the Safin post. No xplanation needed actually, I just deleted it and thats that. So really this sentence was just a waste of time and space.


Anna said...

Hey Nic!
Did you check your mail? There's one from Diza!!! check it, check it, check it!

I really like the words of the day, especially the one today. its really good. presuming that you wrote it?

Sorry I havent been in touch... I'll call later this afternoon. On Sunday dad had his b'day and we got Milo, so yesterday I devoted myself completely to him (after I slept til twelve something...). This evening we might go to Raquel and Gabriel, so I'll try to call in the afternoon, not evening. If you werent there I'm sorry i missed you, but in that case ill call tomoro.

ok, gotta go out with milo now... an hour's walk around Tullinge. yeay.....


Guybrush said...

Hey, sailor!
No, no, no. One does not have to wear an eye-patch to be a pirate! (In common, non-pirate, tounge: One does not have to be registered to post a comment!) Take it from someone who knows: moi. I didn't wear eye-patch up until a couple of days ago, and before that I was able to finds secret treasures buried deep under the shores of Blogsea and "plundra" several ships. It was fun. Sweet memories of wild days. Now I've settled down and started wearing an eyepatch, just like the rest of us. It's all very sad, but yet kind of beautiful, when you think about it.

Pirate on.

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing that I almost forgot!

I have no idea how to change settings or templates or whatever they're called.. Colourful dots can be fun, but you're right, they're not so piratey...

Oh well.
