Saturday, January 22, 2005

Stage fright --- immaterial.

If someone asked me a year ago to sing on stage for an audience, I would've said No! Absolutely not!! Never ever!
I can't even do a presentation in front of class without freezing up, let alone perform. Low and behold (hehe, corny phrase) tonight was my third and biggest/largest, whatever, perfomance so far. It was a charity night for the tsunami survivors, a pretty successfull evening, around 360 people were there to see all kinds of perfomances, including me :)
At first I was nervous but then we had soundchecks and it kinda loosen things up a bit, then I did my stuff and it was good but I wasn't 100% satisfied. Then I met my dear friends and my mom that were in the audience and it felt great to have that kind of support, it's weird that the people you want to impress the most are those that are easiest to impress because they love you already just the way you are (hopefully). In addition to that I have never gotten so many responses from people/strangers, no wonder performers love to perform, I mean you can never get tired of praise.
I'm so lucky that I had the opportunity to do this, step out of my shell and just go for it, take a chance for once. It has build up my confidence in everyday life and I'm soo gratefull for it. I finally found this one thing that I know I'm good at, even though I've sung all my life it never crossed my mind that I could actually be good enough for other people to hear.
All I can say is Thank you, to whoever it is up there, Thank you.

PS: immaterial was a word excessively (more than three times) used by Brown in The Da Vinci code, it bugs me when they repeat a word to often and in close proximity to each other.


Anna said...

I just wanted to tell you (since you can never get enough praise) that you were great on Friday! As always!

I dont know if you know this, I have probably told you something like it before, but probably not in these words exactly, but I absolutely love your voice. It is wonderful! It gives me goosebumps! guess why I wanted you to sing 'O holy night' over and over again before the Christmas performance! (I'm just soo selfish! hehe)

When you got onto the stage on Friday I just felt soo proud! It may sound weird, I mean it's like something a mother should say about her children, but I was just so proud to be your friend!
You deserve all the praise you get, and for the people you might meet in the future (because there will be a precious few) who dont like your voice, you can be sure that atleast half of them only think so cause they are jealous of your talent!
Anyway, just wanted you to know that I am very happy for you, couldn't be happier if it was myself! I hope that this is the beginning of big things for you!

Btw, i see you went all out on the rude remarks of the day! three of them at the same time... very rude! hehe, but they are good!

Anonymous said...

hey cole.. wanted to sms you but i left my phone at dave's.. there's a lot of things i want to tell you about a lot of stuff.. its been pretty hectic here but quite fun to a certain extend.. miss you..


Anonymous said...

safin and federer tomorrow yeahhh..