Tuesday, December 21, 2004


You know how people sometimes say "no offense" in a conversation, I absolutely hate it when people say that to me. Am I the only one who sees how insulting it is?
First of all it puts you in the spot.
Secondly, it's condesending, cause when someone says that to you they are assuming that you will be offended by whatever they're going to say and actually feel the need to state a "disclaimer" before they say it, like you're some kind of idiot.
Obviously I never say "no offense" to anyone cause I do not want anyone to say it to me. It might be ridiculous but I don't care, people should never assume anything about anybody, I doubt that it's ever appreciated by anyone.
So please keep this in mind, because those words always pisses me off and I really don't want to be annoyed at anyone for saying it to me.

Also, never compare people. I know we all do it but it's just so wrong, because we're all soo different. We constantly compare ourselves with others that we're never happy. Of course there's always going to be someone better but it shouldn't matter, cause we're the best in our own category.
My one of a kind category that no one else in the world can qualify.

Finally, I don't know how much of a rant this is, it's more like a comment I guess. Lately I forgot why I started this blog and I started to always want comments and feedback for my posts to get more motivation to write them. Then I remembered how thats soo besides the point of all this. This was supposed to be a way for me to share my thoughts without the hassle of feeling the constant need of feedback that I get when I write emails. Anyways, now that I've rediscovered my true intentions of this blog, I'm having even more fun writing cause I'm not dependant on feedback.

End of rants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fine. I won't write a comment.

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