Friday, December 9, 2005

Man! do i have to decide a title everytime?!?!

Ok, i should be finishing my homework right now, it was due last week, lazy lazy me! I'm half asleep but was in a pretty good mood, listening to podcasts and such, but now I feel kinda weird, like icky weird but not because anything disgusting happened. I just made one mistake, I checked out what the ppl in the podcasts looked like plus their age too, this is something any podcasts listener out there shouldn't do cause it really ruins everything. Ppl sound much more cooler than they look, mean yes but it's true, I'm almost always dissapointed when i see their faces, hehe..... More annoyingly their age, at least in this one Harry Potter related podcast, they're mostly youngsters (I was just soooo wrong, totally thought they sounded older than me). It was just much more cooler when i thought they were older college kids discussing HP, but now it's just makin me feel sooo friggin nerdy. Not that being a nerd is bad but I've always pictured myself a little above the geek/nerd/loser line. Anyways I wont be listening to them again, it just seems too odd for me now. Whatever, it's 3 am should continue writing my work. Weird thing is I've actually done a lot of my work half asleep, hehehe.... they usually turn out pretty good, except for the occasional typos and missing words hehe....